Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Berlin-New York Dialogues the music video.

Today, Delphine and I went to the DAZ to check out the free exhibit; Berlin-New York Dialogues, featuring progressive architecture design with a focus on community based initiatives. Very cool stuff. I will mention the floating self-contained swimming pools on the River Spree and "Platoon"; the reclaimed land initiative constructed out of empty shipping containers! only because those are some of the images I stole for the following video. But I strongly recommend checking out the website and visiting this exhibit if you happen to be in Berlin or NYC when it is running.

After the exhibit we went for a stroll, out for Kaffee (read: Green Tea and Hefe Weissen) and hooked up with Daniel for conversation and dinner. The evening/night quickly went by and after the Champions League quarter final football matches, Daniel and I ended our night, once again, at Gorki-Park to chat with Tatijana and to try and help Daniel forget about his big oral exam in Russian comprehension on Thursday. All of this is un-spectacularly captured on digital video, set to a kitschy German rendition of "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" and sped up for my amusement.

So here is my music-video version of the night, made with help from Delphine. The final product is a tribute to early eighties production, budgets of zero, and a newly discovered appreciation of glass washing ...Enjoy!

A Museum With Delphine

Things that are cool:

Invisible power and phone lines
b&w photo booths
3 Euros 50 cents for 1/2 chicken and a salad


Rance said...

Haha, that was quite the video. I think I especially enjoyed the part that involved your buttons.

As for the architecture, I remember some of the projects, but I haven't heard of Platoon. I will definitely look into it!!

Marie-Camille said...

i smell a theme... two other exhibits i've seen in the last couple months that touch on the same topic:

1/ "1973: sorry out of gas" at the canadian center for architecture in montréal (

2/ "urbanopolis" at the musée de la civilisation in québec city (

keep it up with the videos, they're pretty rad!!

Eric Espig said...

Hey! Those look interesting!
I think the architecture is done for a while, except for a picture I need to take of a really cool building I finally found that Rance told me to look for.

Hey MC, you in France yet?

Marie-Camille said...

i'm leaving tuesday (the 22nd)! very exciting!!