Sunday, May 25, 2008

Walking To Poland

My first and only trip out of Berlin (so far that is, there is Daniel's wedding at the Ost See to go to and maybe a trip to Prague in the works) was to the Polish border yesterday. The "beautiful weekend" ticket allows 5 adults to unlimited train travel during one complete day. The price of the ticket - 28 Euros - not each, total!!! After doing the math, that meant Daniel, Anna, Abel, Ena and I could get to Poland and back for 5,60 euro! ( ~$8 CAD).

We had a fantastic day together, taking the train to Frankfurt (Oder) which is not the big Frankfurt but another one on the River Oder. On the other side of the river is Poland, which we walked across a bridge, and past the abandoned passport control checkpoint, to get to. The Polish side of the river had a surprisingly small amount of residents many who did not speak any German, or English, or were not able to give change in Euros. The city felt half empty on a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon.

The best part of the day we spent in a fantastic park on the German side and lunched in private by the water. The running (haha) joke was Daniels allergy to Polen. The video turned out to be a pretty good document of what our day was like as interpreted by the guy who directed The Monkees. Abel took alot of the video and I was happy to see that he enjoyed it so much, I am sure he will pick up a cheap digital video camera soon.

Aktion Poland

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